9.1a Financial Report January-June
9.1b Financial Report July-December
9.2 a Person Centered Plan
9.2 b Know Your Rights Forms & Policy
9.3 Quality of Life Reports
9.4 Participant Profile
9.5 Home Share Medication Administration
9.6 Home Share Suppository Administration
10.1 General Emergency Preparedness Policy and Procedure
10.2 First Aid Procedures / Medical Emergency
10.3 Bomb Threat
10.4 Earthquake Procedure
10.5 Gas Leak
10.6 Severe Weather
10.7 Sentinel Event Procedure
10.8 City of Vernon Emergency Resource Material
10.9 Emergency Procedures – evacuation
10.10 Power Outage Procedures
The following Sections are located on Page 1
The following Sections are located on Page 2
9.2 b Know Your Rights Forms & Policy
Home Share Coordinators and Home Share Providers shall ensure Individuals are regularly, and in a meaningful and understandable manner, apprised of their rights.
Home Share Providers shall provide support to Individuals with specific issues as they arise.
Individual Rights:
A. To be treated with respect and to be free from retaliation, humiliation, neglect and mental, physical and financial abuse.
B. To be treated in a manner that respects his/her dignity and privacy and promotes his / her autonomy.
C. To have access / referral to legal entities, self-help services and advocacy support services.
D. To be treated in a manner that recognizes his/her individuality and that respects cultural, ethnic, spiritual, linguistic and regional differences.
E. To obtain information about the services provided to him /her, have concurrent services, be told who will be providing the services and, when practicable, to have input into composition of his/her service delivery team.
F. To give or refuse consent to the provision of any community service.
G. To raise concerns or recommend changes in connection with community services provided to him / her and in connection with policies that affect his / her interest to the service provider, government officials or any other person, without fear of interference, coercion, discrimination or reprisal.
H. To be informed, in writing, about the Association’s rules and policies and the process of how to make a complaint about the Association. To be supported in making a complaint about the Association.
I. To have his / her records kept confidential in accordance with the law.
Exception: Where individuals may not comprehend the concept of “rights” it shall be the responsibility of the Home Share Provider to ensure that the individuals rights are not violated and to ensure that those people acting as advocates on behalf of the individual are provided the information.
1) To provide Individuals and stakeholders with information regarding their rights.
2) To provide Individuals and stakeholders with a handbook of pertinent information which shall include, but is not limited to, means of redress for conflict and Individual rights to ensure they are aware of their rights and the process to make a grievance.
1) Home Share Providers shall regularly, a minimum of annually, and in a manner that supports an individual’s means of communicating (meaningful and understandable format) apprise Individuals of their rights. Signed documentation of same shall be held in Individuals’ records.
2) Information regarding Individual rights shall be available at all times for review and clarification.
3) Home Share Providers shall be aware of Individual rights and will advocate on their behalf.
4) Home Share Providers shall ensure Individuals have access to rights and grievance procedure information in sufficient time to make decisions.
5) Home Share Provider shall address Individual issues as they arise in the following manner and order:
a. Individual will discuss matter with Home Share Provider;
b. Home Share Provider will assist Individual to discuss matter with Home Share Coordinator, if required;
c. Home Share Coordinator will refer matter to Executive Director, if required; and
d. Executive Director will refer matter to the Board of Directors, if necessary.
See Policy: Complaints – Individual and Family/Caregiver
9.6 Home Share Suppository Administration
A suppository is to be administered as per Individual Health Care Plan and Bowel Protocol
Suppositories initiate the reflexes that stimulate peristalsis of the lower colon and rectum resulting in relaxation of the external sphincter.
Most suppositories work in 30 minutes.
Proper insertion is important if the suppository is to be effective
Ideal position is with individual lying on left side with right knee flexed.
Remove the foil cover and lubricate generously-insert gently
The suppository should be inserted about two inches into the rectum. It will then pass the internal sphincter and will be retained better by the individual until it melts. It should be placed against the rectal wall. They are ineffective if inserted into stool.
Most suppositories work in 20-30 minutes
10.1 General Emergency Preparedness Policy and Procedure
VDACL/ Venture Home Share Network are committed to ensure Venture Home Share Network Contractors maintain and continually improve the safety and health of the individual(s) they provide support services to.
- All Venture Home Share Contractors are required to have a family emergency preparedness plan in place. There should also be a meeting location identified that all members of the family and the individual served will meet in the event of an emergency such as fire or earthquake. The plan should be easily accessible for the individual (s) to view when needed.( i.e. posted by the exit door in their bedroom)
- Home Share Providers are encouraged to have a family drill each month to assist the individual(s) served the opportunity to learn the steps needed to follow the developed emergency plan.
- All emergency equipment should be monitored to ensure they are functioning and in good condition: i.e. flashlights, smoke detectors, and fire extinguishers. It is recommended for homes with second floor bedrooms to have at minimal one emergency escape ladder available.
- Emergency numbers and contacts should be easily accessible to all family members and individual(s) being served within the home.
- It is recommended that Home Share providers also become familiar with their Community Emergency Preparedness Plans.
- For more information on how to prepare for an emergency please go to www.gov.bc.ca/preparedbc.booklet
10.2 First Aid Procedures / Medical Emergency
- First aid will be administered as required regardless of severity,
- The first aider will make the decision on whether the individual should be transported to medical aid,
- The nearest walk-in clinic will be utilized as the medical aid facility or the individuals physician,
- If transporting the individual will not aggravate the injury
MAJOR TRAUMA: (shortness of breath, loss of consciousness, heart attack, excessive vomiting or diarrhoea, choking, bad fall, obvious medical attention is required)
- Telephone 911,
- Keep the individual calm and still,
- As a first aider you will make the decision whether an ambulance service is required,
- If an ambulance is required (patient requires stretcher transport) the first aider will direct a person standing close by to request ambulance service and report back having done so,
- When phoning for emergency service be prepared to relay the following information:
- Location and name of location,
- Contact telephone number so dispatch can call back,
- Mechanism of injury (what happened),
- Known injuries to the patient (fractures, heart attack etc.).
- Telephone 911.
- It is your responsibility to declare to dispatcher if a MOST is in place.
- It is your responsibility to follow the directions within the MOST designation.
- If no MOST in place, provide CPR/first aid until individual is transported by ambulance to hospital.
Critical Incident and In House incident reports must be completed and submitted to the Home Share Coordinator within 24 hours.
10.3 Bomb Threat
BOMB THREAT: Receipt of a verbal or written threat of a bomb or discovery of a suspicious device while in your home or out in the community.
- Try to engage the caller / person making the bomb threat to get possible clues about the bomb’s location and characteristics of the person making the threat) age, gender, mental state, etc.) and estimated time of explosion.
- Do not touch or approach a bomb or suspicious device.
- Telephone 911.
- Avoid use of two way radios and cell phones.
- Visually check doors for anything unusual before exiting the home / building.
- Evacuate the home / building. Avoid causing noise and vibration (from running or other movement) since they can detonate some devices.
- Follow Community Emergency Evacuation Procedure if in the community (10.8) and await further instruction.
- Contact the Venture Home Share Network Coordinator as soon as possible
- Complete Critical Incident Form and submit as required
10.4 Earthquake Procedure
- Post emergency numbers in a convenient and visible location. In the event of a major disaster use the phone only if it is absolutely necessary.
- If you are in a building stay inside away from windows and get under a heavy piece of furniture such as a desk or table, and hold on. If this is not possible, flatten yourself against an interior wall and protect your head and neck. Stay away from doorways, as doors may slam shut and cause injuries.
- Perform the “”duck, cover and hold on”” technique.
- Move away from windows, glass partitions, mirrors, fireplaces, bookcases, furniture and light fixtures. If you are in a wheel chair (or supporting someone in a wheelchair), remain in your wheelchair lock the wheels and protect your neck and head.
- Do not use elevators. If you are in an elevator during an earthquake, hit the button for every floor until the door opens and you can get out.
- Wherever you are when the earthquake starts, stay there and take cover immediately until the shaking stops.
- Aftershocks may occur for some time following the original quake. If you are outside, go to an open area away from power lines and downed electrical wires. If you are in a vehicle, stay put.
- Avoid bridges, overpasses and underpasses which could collapse.
- Assess for injuries and administer first aid if / when necessary.
Following the earthquake:
If directed to do so, evacuate everyone from the home.
Items to take with you if you are required to evacuate and if it is safe to do so:
a. Cell phone.
b. Vehicle keys.
c. Emergency contact phone numbers.
d. First Aid Kit.
e. Emergency supplies.
f. Water
Proceed to designated safety area:
Wait for tremors to cease.
Await further instructions.
Do not re-enter the house until it has been determined safe to do so.
Listen to the radio.
Relocate to the safest part of the community, where you happen to be at the time. You should have a cellular phone with you and you should follow directions from community officials.
Once you have found a safe place to be, you should attempt to contact the Venture Home Share Coordinator to inform them of your status and that of the individual you provide support services to.
10.5 Gas Leak
Natural gas and piped propane smell like rotten eggs or sulphur.
If you smell gas or hear the flow of escaping gas take these steps immediately:
- Don’t smoke, light matches, operate electrical switches, use either cell or telephones or create other source of ignition;
- Leave the building immediately; leaving the door open and any windows that may already be open;
- Telephone: Terasen Gas 24 –hour Emergency Line – 1-800-663-9911 or the Fire Department 911
- Do not turn off gas.
- Do not re-enter the building until directed that it is safe to do so.
- Complete required documentation as soon as practicable.
10.6 Severe Weather
Severe Weather: Inclement weather which develops (e.g. extreme winds) that may Necessitate the initiation of emergency procedures.
You may be required to remain indoors from scheduled outings with the individual you support if there are severe weather conditions that may cause a safety hazard.
Extreme weather conditions include, but are not limited to:
- Temperatures below –20;
- Temperatures above 35;
- Road conditions not suitable to drive on (e.g. icy roads, severe rain, etc.);
- Extreme winds;
- Heavy fog.
- Listen to the radio and TV for weather information and possible instructions.
- Keep individual (s) indoors in an area opposite the windward side of the home. Use lower floors, interior halls and the basement if necessary. Avoid contact with electrical switches, water pipes or electrical equipment.
- Await further information prior to heading outdoors to ensure the weather conditions have improved.
- Return home whenever possible when you anticipate an extreme change of weather conditions.
- When you experience severe weather, and are unable to return to home, drive the vehicle off the road to the safest location possible.
- Seek shelter and wait out the severe weather conditions.
10.7 Sentinel Event Procedure
DEFINITION – SENTINEL EVENT – An unexpected occurrence that involves death or serious physical or psychological injury or the risk thereof. Serious injury specifically includes loss of limb or function. The phrase “or risk thereof” includes any process variation for which a recurrence would carry a significant chance of a serious adverse outcome. Such events are called sentinel because they signal the need for immediate investigation and response.
The following tools will be used by VDACL/Venture’s Occupational Health and Safety Committee (OHS Committee) to respond to and prevent recurrences of sentinel events:
- Critical incident stress management
- Plans to prevent recurrence
- Root cause analysis
Critical incident stress management – VDACL/Venture’s OSH Committee will ensure the following key elements following a sentinel event:
- Early intervention. Critical incident defusing for those affected within 12 hours of the incident.
- Psychological support. Critical incident defusing is followed by debriefings, usually 24-72 hours after the incident. Participation is confidential and voluntary opportunities the persons affected to learn about stress, share reactions to the incident and vent emotions. The purpose is to stabilize individuals affected by the incident so that they will be able to return to their normal routines without unusual stress.
- Crisis education. Useful after and before an event occurs. Includes possible incidents, crisis response strategies and stress management coping skills that can prevent major complications if an incident occurs.
- Plans to prevent recurrence – The OHS Committee shall continuously monitor and analyse incidents with the goal of improving performance following sentinel events.
The VDACL/Venture’s OHS Committee will develop a plan to help prevent recurrence by reviewing the proximate causes of the event. The review will include:
- the design of the involved processes,
- how processes are monitored, current performance, and
- strategies for improving and sustaining improved performance.
Root cause analysis – The OHS Committee will complete a root analysis to identify basic or causal factors that underlie variation in performance, including the occurrence or possible occurrence of a sentinel event. (The root cause is the fundamental reason for the failure or inefficiency of a process.) A root cause analysis determines what are the systems and procedures that allowed for a mistake, figures how to change procedures so that mistakes are less likely and then makes the change.
The risk reduction plan shall include:
1. Root cause(s)/opportunity for improvement(s)
2. Risk reduction strategy(ies)
3. Person(s) responsible for implementation
4. Implementation dates(s)
5. Measurement strategy(ies)
The OHS Committee will share the information learned through the root cause analysis with the Home Share Coordinator, Venture Home Share provider, the individual receiving supports, family, and any applicable funding source such as CLBC.