4.1 Venture Home Share Network Provider Recruitment
4.2 Venture Home Share Network Provider Qualifications
4.3 Terms of Contract
4.4 Termination of Contract
4.5 Confidentiality Policy and Procedure
4.6 Confidentiality Agreement Form
4.7 Payment Policy and Procedures
4.8 Medical and Dental Plan
4.9 Venture Home Share Provider Orientation
4.10 Venture Vehicle Policy
4.11 Venture Home Share Provider Professional Development
4.12 Venture Home Share Network Experience Compatibility Tool
5.1 Management of Individual Funds Policy and Procedure
6.1 Guidelines for Reporting
6.2 Monitoring of Services
6.3 Venture Home Share Parent/Caregiver Survey
6.4 Home Share Survey for the individual
6.5 Care Plan Binder Policy and Procedure
8.1 Crisis Response Policy and Procedure
8.2 Quality Assurance Check list for Home Share Providers
The following Sections are located on Page 1
The following Sections are located on Page 3
4.1 Venture Home Share Network Provider Recruitment
Venture Home Share providers will be recruited as necessary to fulfill the needs of the community. A number of methods will be used to advertise available Venture Home Share Provider contracts. These methods may include but are not limited to local newspapers, local radio, VDACL website, and word of mouth. Recruitment information will never contain confidential information about the individual seeking support services.
The Recruitment Process: Contractor
- Applicants shall be required to provide prior employment history and references, and complete an extensive Venture Home Share Network Provider Profile application to rate their support skills, and their commitment to supporting an adult to be an active and valued member of the community.
- Applicants successfully moving past the first step shall have a home study and interview completed by the Venture Home Share Coordinator.
- Once a potential match has been identified, applicants successfully completing the second step shall be introduced to the individual and their family or support network. The individual, family and or support network shall interview the applicant in which ever manner they choose. This may include an interview, sharing of a meal or participating in an activity together. They may also choose to see the home and meet the family members of the applicant.
- The applicant that is awarded the contract will be required to read and sign the Home Share contract.
- Successful applicants and all adult family members, 18 or older, will be required to complete a criminal record check, and hold a First Aid certificate. The main Contractor will also be required to submit a Physicians note of good health.
The Recruitment Process: Sub Contractors
Venture Home Share providers are entitled to sub – contract for respite support. The Home Share provider will be solely responsible for the recruiting and screening of their own sub – contractors. They will require copies from all sub- contractors of a completed a criminal record search, first aid, CPR and a drivers abstract. The Venture Home Share provider will have these copies available for Home Share Coordinator home visits. Before using a sub – contractor, the persons served and their family or support network members must be offered the opportunity to be introduced to the potential sub – contractor, and have a choice in the final decision to hire wherever possible.
4.2 Venture Home Share Network Provider Qualifications
Venture Home Share providers shall have a set of qualifications and skills that will support the growth and address the needs of the adult they will be supporting.
Successful Home Share Provider applicants and sub – contractors shall be committed to the following:
- Support individuals to have their own homes
- Support individuals to achieve the fullest possible independence and community participation according to their wishes
- Ensure individuals are connected to their family, friends and community
- Build communities where individuals are accepted and respected
Applications to become a Venture Home Share Contractor can be obtained through the office of the Venture Home Share Network Coordinator.
4.4 Termination of Contract
Overview and Procedure
Termination by the Venture Home Share Contractor
A contractor may terminate a contract by providing 30 days written notice to Venture Home Share Network Coordinator.
Termination by Venture Home Share Network
Termination can happen at any time at its sole discretion, verbally or in writing. If Venture Home Share Network terminates a contract, the Home Share contractor will immediately support the person being served and his or her belongings to a location designated by VDACL/Venture, and will cooperate with VDACL/Venture and not impede or obstruct VDACL/Venture in terminating the placement.
4.5 Confidentiality Policy and Procedure
All matters and information pertaining to individuals receiving services, contractors, and sub – contractors through the Venture Home Share Network shall be protected and maintained to respect the rights of those we support. VDACL/Venture is committed to work in a professional and ethical manner to uphold a high level of integrity when conducting Association business.
What is Confidential Information?
Confidential information is all information regarding VDACL/Venture including information about individuals being served in the Venture Home Share Network. Examples of this would include financial, medical, criminal record information, family or personal histories, etc.
Information is deemed confidential if it comes from association files, meetings, or through the administration of the Venture Home Share Network business, and the said information has not been made, or is not, public information.
Disclosing of Confidential Information
Confidential information should only be revealed to someone if the following conditions can be applied:
- Revealing the information is necessary and is part of regular Venture Home Share Network business
- The individual receiving the information has a legitimate need to know the requested information, and
- If the information is personal in nature, the individual has granted written permission for the disclosure, copies of which will be retained in the individuals file.
Confidential information is never revealed if:
- It is used or conveyed for the sole purpose of maligning or damaging the reputation or rapport of another individual, or
- The individual who is the subject of the information finds it embarrassing or unpleasant or it would be reasonable to think that most persons in the same situation would respond similarly.
Care providers continuation with the Association is contingent upon the compliance with this policy. Failure to comply with this policy can result in consequences up to and including termination of the Venture Home Share Network contract.
If you are in doubt when asked to disclose confidential information, please contact the Venture Home Share Network Coordinator for guidance.
4.7 Payment Policy and Procedures
All Venture Home Share Network Contractors will be paid on a monthly basis in accordance to the Payment Schedule in each current contract.
Contracted Full Time Support
Venture Home Share Network Contractors who are providing full-time support will be paid on the 15th of each month. The monthly payment includes all expenses pertaining to the care and support of the individual. As a contracted care provider your payment is not subject to deductions such as Employment Insurance, Tax, or Canada Pension Plan. It is strongly advised that you seek counsel from a qualified Financial Advisor to ensure that you are well informed regarding your financial rights and responsibilities as independent contractors.
- The Family agree that while it is bound by this Agreement it will not provide similar services or hold a contract with other agencies without prior written consent of VDACL.
- The Family and or Respite Contractor are not an employee or servant or partner or agent of VDACL or of Community Living BC. The Family and or Respite Contractor shall provide all services under this Agreement as an independent contractor, and nothing in this agreement shall be construed so as to constitute the Family or Respite Contractor as an employee of VDACL.
- The Family and or Respite Contractor is (as applicable) responsible for the deduction and remissions of income tax, CPP and EI in respect of each Family Member or Respite Contractor signing this agreement. It these amounts are not remitted, the Family or respite Contractor will indemnify and hold harmless VDACL from or against any claim for taxes, penalties and for withholding of funds by CCRA, the EI Commission, the Canada Pension Commission, WorkSafe BC, the British Columbia Employment Standards Branch or any other government agency with respect to any amount found to be payable by VDACL to such commission or agency in respect of the Family or Respite Contractor engaged under to provide services under this agreement and any legal fees incurred by VDACL in responding to, or defending such claims.
- The Family or Respite Contractor will comply with all applicable health and safety regulations as per Policies and Procedures.
- The Family or Respite Contractor shall indemnify and save harmless VDACL or and from all manner of action, causes of action, proceedings, claims demands and expenses whatsoever which may be brought to made against VDACL or which VDACL may sustain, pay or incur as a result of or in connection with any breach by the Family or Respite Contractor of the Family or Respite Contractor’s obligations, duties, covenants or agreements set forth in this agreement, including:
• The rules, policies and standards set for Family or Respite contractor care homes by Community Living BC
• The VDACL/Venture Family or Respite Contractor Network Manual; and
• Other policies, rules and instructions of VDACL; provided by VDACL, as updated from time to time. - The Host Agency contract with CLBC includes coverage through the Master Insurance Program (MIP) for harm or damage caused by inadvertent actions of its employees acting in good faith. This coverage is extended to anyone providing contracted services for or on behalf of CLBC and the Host Agency.
Sub-Contracted Respite Support
Care providers who have been sub –contracted by contracted Venture Home Share providers will be paid directly by the contracted Care Provider. It is strongly advised that you seek counsel from a qualified Financial Advisor to ensure that you are well informed regarding your financial rights and responsibilities as an independent sub – contractor.
4.8 Medical and Dental Plan
As an independent contractor, you are not entitled to medical or dental plan coverage through VDACL/Venture Home Share Network.
Many medical and dental plan companies have good policies for independent contractors. Names of medical and dental plan companies can be found in the phone book.
It is strongly advised that you seek counsel from a qualified Financial Advisor to ensure that you are well informed regarding your options for medical and dental coverage
4.9 Venture Home Share Provider Orientation
New Venture Home Share Network Contractors shall be orientated to the unique strengths, abilities and support needs of the individual seeking support services.
Home Share Contractors shall be orientated to the strengths, abilities and support needs of the individual they are planning to share their home with. This information will be shared by the individual and their family or support network. Additional orientation will be provided by the individual’s day services, former residential services, and any professional consultants that may be involved in the supports that are in place. When the contractor retains sub- contractors for the purpose of respite or relief, it is the responsibility of the contractor, individual and family to ensure proper orientation entails.
It is highly recommended that at least one contractor in each household attend an orientation session with the Venture Home Share Co-ordinator. This will allow each family an opportunity to become better acquainted with the host agency. The orientation will cover topics as follows (but is not limited to):
- Introduction to the Agency (Introductions, organizational chart and overview of departments)
- Critical Policies and Procedures
- Guidelines for Personal Planning
- Agency web site
4.10 Venture Vehicle Policy
All Venture Home Share providers must drive in a safe and responsible manner, keep their vehicle adequately maintained, and it is highly suggested that they have their vehicle insured for business use.
Care providers and their sub – contractors who are driving persons served in their car must:
- Consent for allowing the association to obtain a copy of their driver’s license abstract every two years.
- Drive legally, safely, and courteously. Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs is grounds for immediate termination of the contract.
- Have their vehicles insured for use with at least $3 million third –party liability coverage. Proof of insurance must be submitted to the Venture Home Share Coordinator within two weeks after the vehicle’s insurance renewal.
- Keep their vehicle adequately maintained and repaired.
4.11 Venture Home Share Provider Professional Development
VDACL/Venture is committed to increasing the skill based knowledge of all those that support adults with disabilities.
It is VDACL’s/Venture commitment to the Home Share Contractor to assist in ensuring the supports they provide are of the highest possible standards. Contractors, who work daily with the adult in need of support services, play an essential role in maintaining a good quality of life. Therefore it is important to promote professional development on an on-going basis.
Types of Professional Development
- Training that is considered mandatory to maintain current contract
- Training opportunities that VDACL/Venture may request contractors to enrol in to better provide support services
- Training that the contract provider may request
Mandatory Training
Training that is considered mandatory to be able to hold a contract with the Venture Home Share Network will include First Aid, Medication Administration, Values and Diversity, Documentation Expectations and Practices, Basic Health Care Expectations or any other training as requested. Mandatory training must be renewed regularly.
VDACL Initiated Training
In the event that the Venture Home Share Co-ordinator requires a Home Share contractor to attend a course to better serve the individual receiving supports, the association will bear the full cost of the course. This would include any online courses such as open Futures Learning, that is felt appropriate to support the individual concerned, or MANDT training.
Contractor Initiated Training
If a Venture Home Share contractor wishes to attend a workshop, conference, seminar, course, or other professional development, the contractor will submit in writing to the Home Share Coordinator
- Name, location, cost of course/conference/seminar
- Description of course content, and how taking the course will directly benefit the service provided to the individual in their home.
Upon reviewing the information, the association may or may not agree to compensate the Contractor in whole or part of the cost of the course. All approvals must be made in advance, and must be in writing. It is an expectation that a copy of all course handouts and notes shall be given to the Venture Home Share Coordinator.
5.1 Management of Individual Funds Policy and Procedure
The Venture Home Share Network Contractor will be responsible to provide the individual in care’s financial statements in a satisfactory form at any reasonable time when requested by the person in care, their family or advocate, and the Venture Home Share Network Coordinator.
The people we serve receive money from a variety of sources. We recognize that each individual’s ability to manage those funds vary, thus the amount of support they require will also vary. The following procedures are listed below and are to be followed as deemed appropriate. These procedures may be altered based upon individual circumstances. Changes to Policy must go through the Venture Home Share Coordinator for written approval.
- All expenditures made by or on behalf of the person in care must be in their best interest. How the individual served will give informed consent for the expenditure will be identified through the yearly planning process. All expenditures must be for their primary use or benefit and have some meaningful representation for them.
- All expenditures where the contractor requests the person in care to pay for the contractor for an activity outside of the day to day family activities, should be approved in advance by the Venture Home Share Coordinator or the Executive Director. Contractors will be required to submit in writing, type of activity, date, and cost.
- All monetary transactions will be recorded in a ledger book in a style similar to the Monthly Client Account/Cash on Hand Reconciliation Form provided in the appendix of this manual, alternatively bank statements may be attached to the Quality of Life Reports.
- A new ledger is used each month to show an opening balance and a closing balance.
- Lending/borrowing of money should not occur between the individual served and the care provider. From time to time it is recognized that individuals may lend money to or borrow from their roommates/friends. It may be done under the following conditions:
- The individuals are to be fully informed about the transactions and their consent is to be given to the best of their ability
- The loan (and repayment of the loan) is accurately recorded.
- All of the individual’s financial records (bank statements, receipts, reconciliation form) are to be retained at the individual’s home and the individual should be able to have access to that information upon request.
- Contractors will ensure all information is recorded accurately and receipts for each item are provided. (Where receipts are not available a blank receipt form is to be filled out for the purchase).
- Many individuals may wish to have a certain amount of petty cash weekly for general purchases. Contractors should identify the amount weekly by recording it either on the bank statement or a petty cash receipt.
- All transactions are balanced including bank account transactions balancing with cash on hand transactions.
6.2 Monitoring of Services
All services will be regularly monitored and evaluated to ensure that the highest quality of support services is being provided based on each individual’s personal expectations for service.
Services will be monitored through the following methods:
- Personal satisfaction surveys of the individual and their family members/advocates.
- Development and achievement of the individual’s goals based on the individual’s personal expectations for service. The progress of goals shall be reported in writing through bi-annual reports to VDACL/Venture Home Share Network Coordinator.
- Adherence to the terms and conditions of the Venture Home Share Network Family Care Contract and Policy and Procedure Manual.
- Yearly visits by the Venture Home Share Network Coordinator or designate.
- Quality Assurance Safeguards Checklist.
6.5 Care Plan Binder Policy and Procedure
Venture Home Share providers are responsible to ensure that they complete all charting and documentation required for each individual(s) that they provide support services to meet the expected standards of both the host agency (Venture) and the funding agent (CLBC).
- Venture Home Share providers will ensure documentation / charting, with respect to health and safety, health records, first aid, medications etc., will be kept in a binder within the home specific to the individual(s) you provide support services for.
- The Care Plan binder is the property of the individual and will remain within the home where the individual resides. If the individual decides to move on, their binder will follow them.
- All documentation will be written in a meaningful way and will be respectful of the individual receiving support services.
- Documents of approved procedures shall be maintained and available for all sub contractors hired by the Venture Home Share provider to provide additional support services.
- Any changes/corrections made to an approved document must be accompanied by an additional statement (s) signed and dated. E.g. by appendix. If a document requires additional changes that are significant and the document was developed outside of the home with the support of community professionals including but not limited to HSCL Nursing, dietician, hygienist and family physician all signatures are required.
- The following Index is a suggestive format for Venture Home Share Providers to assist in the development of a comprehensive Care Plan.
1.1 Medical Profile
1.2 Emergency Information
1.3 Family and Other Contact Information (include Professionals)
1.4 Risk Assessments
1.5 Daily Routines (Morning, Afternoon and Evening routines)
1.6 Day Program / One to One (if applicable, Days, Times, Communication System, Roles and Responsibilities, Inter Program Meetings, Transportation, Funds, Supplies, Equipment required)
2.1 Person Support Plan
2.2 Quality of Life Reports
2.3 Goal Progress
2.4 Quarterly Reports from Day Programs
3.1 Personal Care / Hygiene Protocols
3.2 Oral Health Care Plan
3.3 Other Protocols
PROCEDURES (As applicable)
4.1 Health Care Plan
4.2 Nutritional Health Care Plan and/or Meal Time Routines (breakfast,
lunch, dinner, snacks)
4.3 Protocols by the Health Nurse (Physiotherapy routines, video
location, special equipment, wheelchair positioning, transferring)
4.4 Emergency/Medical Procedures (i.e. Resuscitation Orders, Crisis
Intervention Plans, Behavioural Plans, Head Injury Protocols, Pain
Protocols, Nebulizer Protocols etc)
5.1 Personal Preferences
5.2 Memberships (location of memberships, passes to exercise classes,
swimming clubs, etc.)
5.3 Transportation Needs (Car/Van, Independence and Safety, Wheelchair
strapping, special equipment, Handi Dart ID number, Tickets /
Reserving, Public Transit, Disable Parking Pass)
6.1 Finance Information Sheet (i.e. Guardian, Trustee, Committeeship,
Signing Authority, Account Information, MSDPR etc.)
6.2 Individuals Personal Inventory
6.3 Consent for Service
6.4 Rights and Responsibilities
6.5 Release of Information
6.6 Other Financial/Legal Documents (After life planning)
7.1 Confidential Intake Form /Documentation
7.2 Individual Orientation Check list (as applicable)
7.3 Exit Summary Form /Documentation (as applicable)
- Individual (s) Identification: Birth Certificates, social insurance number, medical card, immunization records (where applicable) etc. are kept in a designated private area at the home for each individual served.
- Finances: Banking records, client petty cash funds, clothing allowances receipts and documentation, BC benefits and income tax records are kept in a private area at the home for each individual served.
- MAR Binder – binder for medication and emergency information.
- Individual (s) Records Binder – binder for current documentation pertaining to appointments, professional support consultation, seizures, incidents, personal care, progress and financial reports and past MAR records. You can have this section at the back of the Care Plan binder as an appendix or have a separate on – going and current binder for this day to day information.
7.1 Behavioral Interventions
It is the belief that all forms of behaviour can be considered as a natural method of communication and personal expression. Venture Home Share Contractors and Respite Sub-Contractors will ensure the health, safety and dignity of each individual is protected.
Behavioural interventions must be consistent with VDACL/Venture and CLBC’s philosophy, values and practices. The following principles apply:
- Ensure that each individual’s rights are protected
- Ensure each individual receiving supports are provided with a safe environment
- Ensure the use of restrictive practices are approved and followed as outlined in their Behaviour Support Plan/Safety Plan
- Ensure that all therapeutic interventions focus on positive change and learning,
- and will be implemented at all times with empathy and respect with consideration for the person’s physical and emotional needs.
Therapeutic physical restraint(s) may only be used when it is determined that this procedure is the least restrictive / most effective approach for supporting an individual’s behaviour. Home Share providers must follow the practises listed below prior to consideration:
- Develop written policies in conjunction with and approved by the individual, or if the individual is incapable of giving approval, by the medical practitioner and the individual’s substitute decision maker if applicable, the planning team, involving the family/caregiver, professional behavioural consultant and the Venture Home Share Coordinator
- Provide correct training for other adult family members if applicable, respite sub-contractors and any other assistants.
- Document all behavioural interventions used and report immediately using a Critical Incident form to the Venture Home Share Coordinator. Please refer to the Critical Incident Policy and Procedure in this manual.
- MANDT Training and Open Futures Learning will be available to you at no cost if referred to you by a Home Share Coordinator.
- Appointments may be made to see our in-house Behaviour Support Counsellor for support and strategies to help manage difficult behaviour.
- A referral can be made to Laural Behaviour Support Services if deemed necessary by a Home Share Coordinator and CLBC Facilitator.
A proactive response to challenging behaviours begins with:
- Building self-esteem and positively reinforcing the person’s strengths and abilities in daily interactions
- Considering medical and environmental factors
- Supporting the individual to develop more effective methods of communication
- Supporting the individual to acquire general skills for coping with day to day living
- Having meaningful dialogue with the individual in order to both understand him or her better, and to provide assurances that they are important and valued.
The role of the Home Share provider is to assist individuals to find meaningful and effective ways to communicate with others, and to build relationships within their home and community.
8.1 Crisis Response Policy and Procedure
The Venture Home Share Contractor will ensure the health and safety, comfort and dignity of the individual they support within their home.
VDACL/Venture distinguishes two types of crisis and defines them as the following:
1. The Primary Care Giver is unable to care for an individual receiving supports due to a medical emergency, family medical emergency and any other occurrence that would hinder the care giver from providing day to day care.
2. The Individual receiving supports experiences personal crisis and the Home Share provider is in need of emergency supports to assist them.
In the event where the Venture Home Share Contractor is unable to temporarily fulfill their contract due to a medical or other immediate emergency, they will contact the Venture Home Share Coordinator to obtain assistance in temporary respite care through the Associations resources.
Venture Home Share Coordinator
Office Hours: 8am-3pm (250) 503-1108
After 3pm: Cell (250) 309-9179
Where a Venture Home Share Contractor feels they are in an emergency situation where an individual in care goes into crisis and the family feels the situation exceeds their resources, they can contact the VDACL Emergency Line:
Phone: (250) 309-9179
Alternatively, Home Share office (day time):
Phone: (250) 503-1108
In the event of a crisis situation that poses a potential risk to the health and safety of anyone involved, or of damage to property, Home Share Providers are advised to first call the Emergency Services appropriate to that situation (Fire/Police/Ambulance): 911.
In the event the care provider utilizes the above measures, they are to contact the Venture Home Share Coordinator at (250) 309-9179 immediately afterwards to inform them of the situation when occurring outside of normal business hours.
Venture Home Share Contractors are expected to utilize their resources already in place prior to following the above procedures and will look for temporary supports through their Respite sub-contractors, natural family members of the individual being served and any other supports within their network.
8.2 Quality Assurance Check list for Home Share Providers